Piece by Piece Quilters
Morgan Hill, California

Guild Logo - two interlocking quilt squares

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Piece by Piece Quilters of Morgan Hill



The Piece by Piece Quilt Guild was started in 1988 by Suzette Brem who owned a quilt shop in Morgan Hill. The original group called themselves The Hearthside Hearts and Hands.

The quilters began meeting in each other's homes and in 1992 moved to St. Louise Hospital in Morgan Hill.

In 1998 the group presented a quilt to St. Louise Hospital to thank them for their generosity over the years. In response to the hospital for not charging for the meeting room, the 18 member group began donating quilts to the community. Recipients included the Rebekah Children's Home, Community Solutions, and the Morgan Hill Community Action Group.

In 1993 the name changed to Piece by Piece Quilt Guild of Morgan Hill. When the hospital closed in 1999, the Guild moved to a room at the Morgan Hill Library, which soon proved to be too small.

In July of 2000, the Guild began meeting in the recreation room at the Maple Leaf RV Park in Morgan Hill and quickly doubled in membership. In March of 2002, the Guild began meeting at the Presbyterian Church of Morgan Hill.

Member Information
Yearly Dues and Membership Card

A Piece by Piece membership card is issued upon payment of annual dues. Dues are payable by January of each year. Dues are $36 per year.

The Piece by Piece membership card may qualify for discounts at area quilt shops.

Membership Roster

A list of member's names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses is updated and disseminated several times during the year. The information is to be used only for Guild purposes.

Bylaws, Polices and Standing Rules

Piece by Piece Quilters of Morgan Hill - Bylaws

Policies and Standing Rules

Community Service

Breast Cancer Awareness Quilt
Each year a committee is formed to create a quilt to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. The committee chooses the pattern and fabric and works together to complete the quilt. All members are then encouraged to sell opportunity tickets to the community for a drawing at the October Guild meeting. All funds raised are donated to an organization that serves women with breast cancer.

Taste of Morgan Hill
The Guild, in conjunction with BookSmart, sponsors a booth at the Taste of Morgan Hill to sell opportunity tickets for the Breast Cancer Quilt and to inform the public about the Piece by Piece Guild. All members are encouraged to participate.

October Donation Month
Each October, members are encouraged to donate quilted items. The items are dispersed among various non-profit organizations in the community.

Gilroy Victorian Christmas
The Guild is invited each year to participate in the Gilroy Victorian Christmas even sponsored by the city of Gilroy. Members are encouraged to participate in the program which includes quilting demonstrations and a small quilt show. The Guild receives a cash honorarium for participating.

National Quilting Day
The third Saturday of March has been declared National Quilting Day. The Guild provides a program at the Morgan Hill Library to inform the public about quilting. Members are encouraged to participate.

Live Oak Adult Day Care
Once a year, at the request of Live Oak Adult Day Care in Gilroy, members are encouraged to participate in a show and tell of quilts.

Contact Information


Christine Wong


Cindy Dalla

Vice President

Linda Boman

Membership & Fat Quarters

Laurie Perez


Diane Blake
Joanne Tarver
Linda Williams


Carmen Kovach

Web Master

Ron Morton


Carmen Kovach
Diane LeGore


Pudge Graybill
Carol Pascoe
Evelyn Sullivan

Program Directors programs@piecebypiecequilters.com

May Wong

Standing Committee

Andrea Bradley
Linda LeFevre
Ellie Wood

Members at Large